Scholarship Program

The Right Scholarship Program was started in 2019 by Arjia Rinpoche, to support talented Mongolian children who are eager to learn, but financially disadvantaged, to go to college and to preserve Mongolian culture and heritage.

Each year the program provides full college tuition and room and board for four years to exceptional students from all over Mongolia. The first group of ten students selected to receive a scholarship began their studies in 2019. In 2020, a second group of students was awarded scholarships for their studies in 2020-2024. 

There are currently 25 students in college with this scholarship, with an additional 10 students to be selected in the latter half of 2021.

The Right Scholarship Fund has been supported by Buddhist students and supporters not only in Mongolia, but also in Tibet, the United States, Japan, China, and Russia. 

To learn more, visit:

Personal stories of 2019 recipients

In Mongolian.

In Mongolian with English subtitles.